The effect of shock waves and deep oscillation on Lipoedema



lmendras, María José Araneda Fuentes, María JosÉ Oyarzún Gallardo, Rodrigo Marcel Valentim Da Silva PhD, and Patrícia Froes Meyer PhD The effects of shock waves and deep oscillations on lipoedema Journal of Aesthetic Nursing 2024 13:2, 42-53


Lipoedema is characterised by abnormal subcutaneous fat deposition associated with oedema. Given its complexity, different treatments, including shock waves and deep oscillation therapy, are used in its treatment.


To investigate the effects of shock waves and deep oscillations on lipoedema.


This is an experimental study. Thirty-three women were evaluated using anthropometric analysis (perimetry and bioimpedance) and ultrasonography of the lower limb region. The volunteers were divided into three groups: G1 received the treatment with deep oscillations, G2 with shock waves, and G3 with shock waves and deep oscillations. The intervention was unilateral on the right lower limb, while the left lower limb was considered a control.

The duration of treatment was five sessions, being performed once a week. The shockwave treatment followed the parameters: variation of 1, 8, and 2, 5 Bar; 12 Hz; 500 pulses in the ankle area; 500 pulses in the inner knee area (upper third).

For deep oscillations, 150 to 70 Hz was used for 3 min; 30 to 10 Hz for 4 min; and 75 to 50 Hz for 3 min, for a total of 10 min on a single limb. Reassessment was done after the last session was performed.


The association of shock wave therapy with deep oscillation promoted a reduction in the perimetry of the left lower limb, with a lower percentage of fat and a visible qualitative improvement in the aspect of lipoedema when compared to the initial moment and to the groups that did only one of the interventions.

Key words: lipoedema, fat cells, oedema, shockwave, deep oscillation