We were delighted to receive this feedback recently from a Senior Physiotherapist in private practice who since this feedback has reached out to a Lactation Consultant in their area to let them know about this service.



Buff Whiteley, now retired from clinical practice wrote:

“My daughter gave birth to a 7lb 9oz baby after a long labour and normal delivery. I was excited to be able to use the DEEP OSCILLATION® personal unit. I commenced treatment day 2-post delivery on my daughter’s abdomen and inguinal nodes to encourage the uterus to contract.  I also treated her back over the area of epidural insertion, which was bruised and uncomfortable. Post treatment my daughter reported feeling much more comfortable and by the following day was no longer experiencing discomfort in her back. 

My daughter treated her breasts every day from Day 2 - using two small applicator heads.  She experienced none of the discomfort of the milk “coming in” that I remember. That is not to say that her breasts did not become “fuller and harder” but she had none of the solid, aching discomfort that I remember being so distressing. She continued to treat her breasts daily for 7 days and then only if they were uncomfortable (because they were very “full” or when her nipples were very sore). This was probably every other day for the first 2 weeks. She also used the therapy on her abdomen and inguinal area for 10 days; she found the sensation very comforting and it appeared to reduce the discomfort in her groin.

I also lent the unit to a friend of my daughter’s, who had a premature baby and was struggling with breast feeding (day 9 – day 19 post partum). She was severely sleep deprived, had a blocked milk duct on one breast and was on the verge of giving up breast-feeding. Using the unit daily (or twice a day if she could manage it) for 10 days she was able to unblock the duct without it developing into mastitis.  Her comments were “the personal unit is so easy to use, the length of time one needs to use it for is manageable and most importantly it works and one sees results quickly”.

I would definitely recommend use of the personal unit to any new Mum”


How can DEEP OSCILLATION® help in postpartum?

DEEP OSCILLATION® is highly effective for postpartum breast pain and tension (plugged milk ducts), conditions which can hamper a woman’s desire to breastfeed.  It also proves pain relief with faster and better healing of the surgical wounds after caesarian section; promoting a dynamic wound healing with softer, more flexible scars and is an efficient treatment option for post pregnancy related problems areas including; cellulite, stretch marks, back and neck pain, breast/cleavage and stomach lifting.

Non-invasive, non-traumatic and highly effective, DEEP OSCILLATION® therapy is based on the biologically effective oscillations created by gentle, low frequency, electrostatic pulses in the treated tissue to a depth of 8cm. In contrast to other therapies, this therapy does not heat the tissue nor does it rely on electrical stimulation to get its very effective results (a circuit is never completed). The pleasant oscillations have a deep-acting effect on all tissue components (skin, connective tissue, muscles, blood and lymph vessels) without causing any pain to the new mother.


Comparisons of the treated and untreated breast revealed that the side receiving DEEP OSCILLATION® treatment showed considerable improvement on the third day after starting treatment.  Only 4% of the patients reported spontaneous pain on the third day (compared to 75% of the patients who did not receive treatment). These results were similar for tenderness.  DEEP OSCILLATION® is very effective in reducing swelling, only 18% of the patients who were treated still reported symptoms on the third day after starting treatment (compared to 94% who were not treated).  It efficiently counteracts lymphatic and venous oedema and alleviates the resulting tension in a similar manner.  The result is a reduction in subjective pain.  Pain free lactation is then possible and the breastfeeding process normalizes.


Used the first day following Caesarian Section the healing processes are stimulated and accelerated, local inflammation is inhibited, swelling is reduced and pain alleviated over a sustained period.  Tissue renewal and high quality scar formation are clearly encouraged.


Johanning-Csik F. (1994): Treatment of Postpartum Chest Pain and Tension with the Hivamat Intensification System. Medical dissertation. Erlangen - Nuremberg.