Latest/Other News

2021: DEEP OSCILLATION references in Lymphoedema

By Mary Fickling on Jul 30 2021.


By Mary Fickling on Jul 30 2021.

Therapy for Lymphoedema - A New Article for 2021 (mentions Deep Oscillation)

By Mary Fickling on Jul 30 2021.
Brenke R. - Therapie des Lymphödems...EHK 2021; 70: 138-144 DOI - 10.1055/a-1477-8171

Venous and Lymphatic Insufficiency Improved With Deep Oscillation Therapy

By Mary Fickling on Jul 30 2021.
by Maria del Rosario Pineda Lic. in Kinesiology, Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation (PM&R) at Proa Consultora

Venous and Lymphatic Insufficiency Improved With Deep Oscillation Therapy

By Mary Fickling on Jul 30 2021.
by Maria del Rosario Pineda Lic. in Kinesiology, Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation (PM&R) at Proa Consultora

Bilateral Elephantiasis: Deep Oscillation Makes Positive Difference to Treatment Approach

By Mary Fickling on Jul 30 2021.
A Case Report by Sandra Farina Kinesiologist, Peripheral Vascular Rehabilitator Coordinator and Spokesperson for Peripheral Vascular Rehabilitation for the ALCVA.

Canine Healing: Barbed Wire Tear Post Surgical Healing Boosted with Deep Oscillation Therapy

By Mary Fickling on Jul 30 2021.
Jack a one-year old Springer Spaniel lives on a farm with his Mum Stephanie, his Springer brother Harold, two years old and his Grandpy Zak, nearly fourteen.  They are surrounded by open farm land with lots of interesting and varied scents which are investigated at high speed.

DEEP OSCILLATION Transforms Physiotherapy Practice

By Mary Fickling on Jul 30 2021.
"I find that the PhysioPod has transformed my Physiotherapy practice. I use a variety of settings but have found the oedema setting particularly useful for all sports injuries as relieving the swelling, whether in a joint, tendon or muscle helps to normalise movement and restore balance and function to the area. I often have to stop half way through the treatment for the patient to rush to the loo as the lymphatic drainage can be very dramatic!