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Nicky Snazell International Pain Expert, Teacher and Author talks to Stray FM on The Health and Wellbeing Show

By Mary Fickling on Jul 09 2016.
From Biologist to Chartered Physiotherapist, Nicky has managed large NHS Physiotherapy Clinics to owning and directing a team of staff in her own pain relief clinics in Harrogate and Stafford treating over 10,000 patients. In May 2016, Nicky won the prestigious "AACP Excellence in Patient Service Award". A leading name in healthcare, Nicky's questioning and somewhat 'controversial' opinions from an early age, ignited her passion to meet international pain gurus and she has travelled extensively. In these short interviews Nicky chats very naturally about her wholistic approach to treating patients in pain, which combines traditional hands on techniques with state-of-the-art treatment modalities including Shockwave & Magnetic Resonance Treatment to newly acquired and much loved DEEP OSCILLATION® therapy.

Journal of Lymphoedema, 2016, Vol 11, No 1, pages 49–53 features Use of the HIVAMAT® 200 with manual lymphatic drainage in the management of lower-limb lymphoedema and lipoedema

By Mary Fickling on Jul 08 2016.
Authors: Isabel Teo, Specialist registrar in plastic surgery, Ninewells Hospital, Dundee, Scotland. Anna Coulborn Tissue viability nurse and lymphoedema nurse specialist, Eastbourne, UK, DA Munnoch, Consultant Plastic Surgeon, Ninewells Hospital, Dundee, Scotland

DEEP OSCILLATION® Provides Freedom To Self Manage Lymphoedema

By Mary Fickling on Jul 08 2016.
Patient feedback is very valuable to PhysioPod, it is wonderful to know this lady feels that DEEP OSCILLATION® has provided her with the freedom to treat at home or whenever suits.

PhysioPod 'A fantastic breakthrough for lymphoedema patients to manage the MLD themselves with this aid"

By Mary Fickling on Jul 08 2016.
Positive Patient feedback continues to come in for self management of Primary and Secondary Lymphoedema with the DEEP OSCILLATION Personal with bespoke card.

Daily self management with the DEEP OSCILLATION® PERSONAL SPORTS for Lymphoedema

By Mary Fickling on Jul 08 2016.
Patient feedback is very valuable to PhysioPod, it is wonderful to know that Charlotte feels DEEP OSCILLATION® is making a "significant difference" in breaking down fibrosis.

Précis of DEEP OSCILLATION® Study in PCNR Issue 11, July 2016

By Mary Fickling on Jul 07 2016.
This article is a précis of an original article. PCNR thank the publishers for their kind permission to publish this version. Kashilska Y., Petkov A., Micheva P., Batashki A., Batashk Z. (2015): Improving the quality of life through effects of treatment with low intensity extremely low-frequency electrostatic field - DEEP OSCILLATION® in patients with breast cancer with secondary lymphoedema to patients treated with standard lymph equipment Medicine. V(1), 381-387

Chris Boynes Becomes The First Harley Street, Chartered Sports and Musculo-skeletal Physiotherapist to add DEEP OSCILLATION® to his tools

By Mary Fickling on Jun 23 2016.
PhysioPod® met Chris Boynes BEd(Hons) PE MCSP MACPSEM MAACP HCPC Reg, Lic Acu at the annual AACP Conference in 2015, having first become connected on LinkedIn, they became immediate friends, sharing a common goal of non invasively helping patients reduce pain and increase function. Working closely with PhysioPod®, Chris is now delighted to be offering DEEP OSCILLATION® at his weekly clinic on Harley Street and his North Norfolk practice, near Fakenham.

Nicky Snazell International Pain Expert, Teacher and Author takes on DEEP OSCILLATION in her pain relief clinics

By Mary Fickling on Jun 22 2016.
"At last, technology that addresses the wear and tear of physical therapists hands with the wonderful connectivity of being a hands on treatment, shear genius. A patient summed it up, when he said: 'for the first time, I felt us journey through the treatment process together, rather than being broken up while you get other bits of kit out, that don't involve touch and with you sitting behind your desk.'' It is a true Godsend for hands-on therapists. Thank you, Nicky"

Nikki Denison MLD DLT Lymphoedema Practitioner To Provide DEEP OSCILLATION® Massages At Lipoedema UK Patient Workshops 26th June 2016

By Mary Fickling on Jun 08 2016.
DEEP OSCILLATION®, developed by Physiomed Elektromedizin in Germany is an internationally patented therapeutic design which utilizes the forces of pulsed electrostatic attraction and friction to provoke oscillations, which act deeply on the tissues of the body from the epidermis down through the conjunctive and adipose layers and into the muscles.

Award Winning MLD DLT Lymphoedema Practitioner, Dee Stringer of Swelling Matters To Provide DEEP OSCILLATION® Massages At TALK Lipoedema Roadhow in Kent 9th July 2016

By Mary Fickling on Jun 08 2016.
DEEP OSCILLATION®, developed by Physiomed Elektromedizin in Germany is an internationally patented therapeutic design which utilizes the forces of pulsed electrostatic attraction and friction to provoke oscillations, which act deeply on the tissues of the body from the epidermis down through the conjunctive and adipose layers and into the muscles. Hernandez Tapanes et al (2010) were able to prove, by diagnostic ultrasound, penetration of the oscillations up to an 8cm depth (see diagram). Observed physiological effects of the therapy include oedema resorption - Jahr S Et Al (2008) The therapy also limits the production of inflammatory mediators, especially during the treatment for chronic pain and more so during the treatment of fibromyalgia - Janik, H. et al (2010) strengthening of the cutaneous tissues - Korkina Et Al (2007), stimulation of the wound healing process Mikhalchik E, Et Al (2005), Trybulski R (2008).