Latest/Other News

NEW STUDY: DEEP OSCILLATION® in Early Rehabilitation of Patients with Arthoplasty of the Knee Joint

By Mary Fickling on Jun 12 2020.
Authors: Evgeniya Vladeva, Mariyana Mihailova, Dafina Bacheva, Iliya Todorov Department of Physiotherapy, Rehabilitation, Thalassotherapy, Occupational Diseases, Faculty of Public Health, Medical University of Varna

Dr Alison Merrick Reviews Deep Oscillation Use

By Mary Fickling on Jun 05 2020.
Purchased 5 years ago, Dr Alison Merrick would not be without her Deep Oscillation unit now...

A Letter From Carmarthenshire

By Mary Fickling on Jun 04 2020.
Julie and I get letters and phone calls almost every week from Lymphoedema sufferers who are so pleased that their deep oscillation personal units have really improved their quality of life.

Lymphoedema in Lockdown

By Mary Fickling on May 24 2020.
"I started to suffer with Lymphoedema in my right leg as a result of surgery in the Spring of 2005...

The 'PhysioPod' - A Lifeline in Lymphoedema Self-Management during the COVID-19 Situation

By Mary Fickling on May 23 2020.
"On March 12th of this year, I had my last swim for what may be a very long time.  With my growing awareness of the COVID-19 situation, it felt as though self-isolation would be a sensible precaution for me to take. Alarmed and alert, but not panicking.  All of us with long standing Lymphoedema know how important it is to take good care of ourselves, we’ve developed our strategies and we’ve taken them into our daily stride, haven’t we? And we deal with it. 

Great News! 'Aqua' A New Book - Coming Soon

By Mary Fickling on May 05 2020.
Greatly looking forward to seeing this new book from photographer Gemma Levine. ‘Aqua’ is a collection of photographs of water with foreword and captions by Professor Peter Mortimer. It will raise awareness of Lymphoedema and raise research funds. It contains a preface from Prime Minister Boris Johnson which was noted in The Times Diary by Patrick Kidd on Wednesday 15th April, 2020.

Herbs & high tech: alternative medicine and technology for improved health

By Mary Fickling on Apr 16 2020.
The herbs, teas, and other ancient remedies of alternative medicine might first at glance seem at odds with the latest technological advances that today's health practitioners use.


By Mary Fickling on Apr 10 2020.
Download a quick reference sheet here

DEEP OSCILLATION® Effect In Equine and Canine Treatments

By Mary Fickling on Apr 02 2020.
Feedback from Gemma Wilson, Dip. Equine Manual Therapy (European School of Animal Osteopathy) Dip. Equine Sports Massage Therapy (Equi-Therapy UK) 

MAGCELL® MICROCIRC Leads to Volume Reduction in Benign Prostate Hyperplasia (BPH)

By Mary Fickling on Mar 20 2020.
Therapeutic Use of Pulsed Electromagnetic Field Therapy Reduces Prostate Volume and Lower Urinary Tract Symptoms in Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia. Andrology. 2020 Feb 23. doi: 10.1111/andr.12775. [Epub ahead of print] PubMed PMID: 32090492. Tenuta M, Tarsitano MG, Mazzotta P, Lucchini L, Sesti F, Fattorini G, Pozza C, Olivieri V, Naro F, Gianfrilli D, Lenzi A, Isidori AM, Pofi R.